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African plum (Pygeum africanum) – effects and uses. A miracle ingredient for prostate health

African plum, also known as Pygeum, is a medicinal plant native to the mountainous areas of Africa and has been widely used for medicinal purposes by the local community since ancient times. Scientific studies confirm that African plum can be a valuable ally in maintaining prostate health, which is important information for men experiencing persistent prostate symptoms. The plant contains a high concentration of active substances that show beneficial effects on the genitourinary system. Due to its rich composition, it also has many other advantages, including a positive effect on the work of the immune system, so its benefits can benefit not only men who want to take care of prostate health. Take a closer look at the properties of African plum, check out its effects on male health and learn about its other, slightly less well-known actions.

African plum (Pygeum africanum) – what is this plant?

The African plum tree is a species of tropical tree, and also a valued medicinal plant. Native to South and Central Africa, it grows in areas of mountains and highlands, and the main country where it is found is Cameroon. African plum bark is a traditional herbal resource that has been used in sub-Saharan African medicine for centuries. For the people there, it is a remedy for many maladies, including bladder and kidney problems, as well as weakness, inflammation and infection, fever and sexual dysfunction.

The African plum tree belongs to the rose family, and has the form of an evergreen tree with an extensive, spherical, heavily branched crown. The tree grows mainly in rainforests.

The leaves of Pygeum are large, alternate, simple, elliptical, shiny, dark green on top, light green at the bottom, serrated at the edges. Flowers are small, whitish. Fruits are small, greenish-red and bean-shaped. The bark is dark brown or black, rough, heavily corrugated, sometimes cracked. The bark, leaves and fruit emit an almond-like aroma. African plum tree usually reaches 15-20 m in height, but sometimes grows up to 35 m.

African plum – composition

Among the active ingredients of African plum, the key element is phytosterols , which play an important role in improving the function of the genitourinary system and preventing prostate growth.

Phytosterols are plant compounds with a structure similar to cholesterol. In the case of African plum, the predominant phytosterol is beta-sitosterol, although there are others, such as campesterol, sitosterone, daucosterol. Beta-sitosterol in particular is known for its ability to offset troublesome symptoms associated with the prostate gland.

African plum also contains fatty acids, polyphenols and aromatic compounds. These substances work synergistically to enhance the potential benefits for prostate health. With a significant content of phytosterols and polyphenols, African plum is being studied for inflammation reduction and effects on the endocrine, immune and cardiovascular systems.

Research suggests that phytosterols can inhibit the activity of enzymes responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Too high levels of the DHT hormone in the body can result in prostate cell proliferation and gland hypertrophy. African plum, thanks to its high content of phytosterols, counteracts this process.

Another noteworthy ingredient present in the bark of the African plum is ferulic acid, which is responsible for its choleretic effect and support of digestive processes. Both ferulic acid and many other active ingredients of African plum are antioxidants that fight harmful oxygen radicals and counteract the aging process.

Active ingredients in African plum:

  • Phytosterols,
  • ferulic acid,
  • fatty acids (palmitic, myristic, linoleic),
  • triterpenes (oleanolic acid, ursolic acid),
  • flavonoids(quercetin),
  • phenolacids,
  • tannins.

African plum bark – health properties

By the people of Africa, the African plum tree is referred to as the “iron tree” or “a plant with multiple uses.” These names suggest that it is a reliable, strong, effective raw material, and that it takes care of health in a comprehensive way. This is indeed the case. The African plum tree exhibits a variety of health-promoting properties that can help with many ailments.

It has strong anti-inflammatory properties, benefits the urinary tract, protects the prostate, but also takes care of the cardiovascular system. It also has its share in eliminating toxins from the body. By stimulating the activity of the immune system, it helps us to protect ourselves more effectively against attacks by pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

African plum shows properties:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antioxidant,
  • anti-cancer,
  • antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal,
  • antipyretic,
  • antiedematous,
  • diuretic,
  • choleretic,
  • diastolic,
  • Detoxifying (activates the body to remove harmful substances more efficiently),
  • stimulating digestive processes,
  • normalizing cholesterol levels,
  • protective,
  • normalizing the work of the endocrine system,
  • immunostimulating.

African plum for benign prostate growth

 dried bark of African plum (Pygeum africanum)

African plum is one of the primary herbs recommended for benign prostatic hyperplasia. It contains a high concentration of components that support male hormonal balance and positively influence the functioning of the organs that make up the genitourinary system. Thanks to phytosterols, it prevents increased levels of the DHT hormone in the body, and thus helps block the process of prostate growth.

How does African plum work on the prostate?

  • It reduces inflammation in the prostate and urinary tract, and thus reduces discomfort and relieves annoying symptoms such as frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen and perineal area, burning in the urethra. It also improves urinary function and counteracts dangerous complications that can occur as a result of prolonged inflammation in the prostate.
  • It improves the flow of urine and eliminates urinary problems. African plum has a positive effect on the genitourinary system by increasing the elasticity and expansion of the urinary tract. As a result, it contributes to increased urine flow and more efficient urinary excretion from the body. Thus, one can feel the alleviation of a common discomfort occurring with prostatic hypertrophy, which is the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, passing small amounts of urine, intermittent and weakened urine stream.
  • It protects cells from oxidative stress. Thanks to the presence of quercetin and other antioxidants, African plum protects prostate cells from oxidative damage. This is extremely important, as such oxidative damage can contribute to the development of prostate disorders.
  • It regulates enzyme activity, and has a beneficial effect on the production of male sex hormones. Phytosterols in African plum can affect the activity of enzymes responsible for converting testosterone into DHT. Controlling this process can have a significant impact on prostate health.
  • It regulates the secretory functions of the prostate gland. Thanks to sitosterol and other sterols, African plum activates the prostate to work, which contributes to the reduction of swelling and unpleasant discomforts associated with an increase in the volume of the prostate.
  • It exhibits regenerative properties. Thanks to phytosterols, African plum stimulates the renewal process of prostate epithelial cells.

African plum extract, along with other ingredients that support prostate health, can be found in Prostan Plus.

African plum for the urinary tract

African plum supports urinary tract health in a number of ways:

  • makes the urinary tract more flexible, improves urine flow,
  • has a diuretic effect, increases urine flow,
  • counteracts urine retention in the bladder,
  • facilitates bladder emptying,
  • reduces inflammation in the urinary tract,
  • reduces pain by acting as a relaxant on the muscles in the urinary tract,
  • protects urinary tract cells from harmful free radicals.
  • Reduces the tension of the muscles that build the urethra and ureters, eliminates the phenomenon of constant pressure on the bladder.

Thanks to these actions, African plum is a prescription for improving the functioning of the genitourinary system in men with benign prostatic hypertrophy. The herb is equally helpful for urinary tract problems caused by other factors.

African plum bark extracts – how to use and in what dosages?

African plum bark is commercially available in the form of herbs for brewing and in the form of extracts, which in turn can go into capsules or liquid preparations. Dosages can vary depending on the product, the purpose of supplementation and the concentration of active ingredients in a particular preparation.

Mostly, the recommended dosage of African plum in supplementation is 200-1000 mg per day. However, if several herbs with similar effects are taken at the same time, or if multi-ingredient preparations are used, the recommended dose of Pygeum may be lower.

In the case of dried African plum bark for making decoctions, the recommended serving is 1 tablespoon of dried cut bark per 1 cup of water. The decoction is consumed 2 times a day. Do not exceed the recommended serving for consumption.

How to make a decoction of African plum cut bark?

Pour 1 tablespoon, or about 3-5 g of bark, into 1 glass of warm water. Bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. Strain, set aside to cool. Drink 2 times a day.

How to make an infusion of ground African plum bark?

Pour 150 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of ground bark. Set aside to cool, stir and drink. Use 2 times a day.

African plum – an herbal prescription for many ailments, that is, when is it worth reaching for Pygeum?

Pygeum is mainly used for genitourinary complaints, but due to its high content of phytosterols and other bioactive compounds, it is also helpful in many other health problems.

Among other things, it has a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system – it reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine and contributes to lowering total cholesterol levels. It is also a valuable support for skin and other problems related to disorders of hormone levels, especially androgens.

When to use African plum:

  • for benign prostatic hyperplasia,
  • in urinary disorders,
  • in the treatment of polyuria or bedwetting,
  • before and after prostate surgery,
  • in inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract,
  • in erectile problems,
  • in rosacea and other skin ailments associated with excess androgens,
  • in hormonal fluctuations in men and women,
  • in constipation, digestive problems,
  • in high cholesterol levels,
  • in disorders of the immune system.

African plum – side effects

Like any supplement and herb, African plum may cause some side effects, especially when used in excessive doses.

Potential side effects include:

  • stomach irritation,
  • abdominal pain,
  • nausea,
  • bloating,
  • headaches,
  • dizziness.

What’s more, African plum supplementation can affect the effects of certain medications, especially those used to treat UTIs. If you are taking any medications, it is advisable to consult your doctor before reaching for African plum.



Category: Men’s Business

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