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Clinging cudweed – learn about the amazing health properties of a common field plant!

Clinging cudweed is one of the most common plants found in nature. It grows in fields, meadows and many other environments. It can be found in all parts of the globe with a temperate climate. It is considered a weed, meanwhile, it hides unparalleled health-promoting qualities. In an era of increased interest in natural treatments, clinging cuddly is returning to favor as an alternative to artificial medicines. It is worth exploring the secrets of this humble herb, which may prove to be the key to health and vitality.

What does clinging cudweed look like?

 Clinging cudweed (Galium aparine)

Clinging cuddly is a plant of the marzanaceae family that is one of the most common weeds. It is not a welcome guest in agricultural fields and gardens. It spreads excessively on the ground and climbs on other plants, inhibiting their growth and development. However, it is a very valuable resource for pharmacology and herbalism. It has a wide spectrum of active substances that translate into a multitude of health-promoting activities.

Clinging cudweed was used in folk medicine, among other things, as a wound cleanser and a remedy for gastrointestinal ailments and nervous problems. However, its health-promoting properties extend to many other aspects of the body’s functioning. What are the characteristics of this remarkable plant?

Clinging or recumbent, the clinging (Galium aparine) is a plant whose stems reach a length of up to 1.5 meters. Its leaves are lanceolate and grow on the stem, forming characteristic whorls. Flowers of clinging cuddly grow from the angles of the leaves and are small, white or greenish-white. The stems are equipped with hooked hairs, thanks to which the cuddly plant easily attaches itself to other plants and objects.

Habitats of clinging cudweed include forests, fields, thickets, water banks, roadsides, forest edges, wastelands. The plant prefers fertile, moist, loamy, nitrogen-rich soils.

Clinging cudweed has been used in natural medicine for centuries. The medicinal raw material is the herb of the plant, i.e. the entire aboveground part. The plant is harvested from May to August. What to keep in mind when harvesting clinging cudgel, many species belong to the same genus, with some bearing a striking resemblance to it. Clinging cudweed is most often confused with cudweed proper.

Clinging cuddlebush – composition. What phytochemicals does the herb of clinging cudgel contain?

The main active compound of clinging cuddly is coumarin , which exhibits anti-inflammatory, antiviral, hypotensive, anticoagulant and sedative properties, among others. The plant is also rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids, which give it strong antioxidant properties, as well as glycosides that improve heart function.

The active constituents of clinging cuddly are:

  • saponins,
  • alkaloids,
  • glycosides,
  • carotenoids,
  • anthocyanins,
  • flavonoids (luteolin, rutin, apigenin, quercetin, isocquercetin),
  • essential oils,
  • phenolic acids (gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid),
  • anthraquinones,
  • tannins.

Clinging cudweed – when to harvest and how to dry?

The best time to harvest clinging cuddly is spring and early summer, when the plant is in full development and the leaves and stems are juicy and rich in active substances. However, it can be harvested until early autumn (until September). Importantly, it is advisable to harvest only in clean places, away from the pollution of civilization.

When going to harvest clinging cudweed, it is advisable to put on a long-sleeved blouse or blouse and long pants, as well as tostock up on gloves, as the plant has lots of hooked hairs that can irritate the skin.

Cut the long stems of the plant with scissors, then separate and dry them. The best way to dry them is to spread them on paper or netting and place them in an airy, warm (but not too hot) place. Avoid direct sunlight and humidity.

After drying, clinging cuddly plants should be stored in an airtight glass container away from light and moisture.

Clinging cuddlebush – medicinal properties

 young shoots of clinging cuddly plant

Clinging cuddly plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial and antiviral properties, thanks to which it helps to resolve infections faster. It stimulates the immune system, speeds up regeneration and has a strengthening effect on the entire body. It promotes wound healing and relieves various skin ailments, including rashes, acne, eczema, seborrhea. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, it also minimizes the symptoms of psoriasis.

The active substances contained in clinging cuddly plant improve metabolism and stimulate detoxification of the body. Thanks to this property, clinging cuddly is great for combating metabolic disorders and the accumulation of toxins in the body. Due to its numerous flavonoids and glycosides, hugia positively affects the functioning of the circulatory system. It also improves the work of the lymphatic system (activates lymph flow and cleanses the lymph from harmful substances).

Warm infusions of clinging cudweed are helpful for various ailments related to the digestive system, such as indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, abdominal pain and cramps. Thanks to its high content of antioxidant substances, clinging cuddly protects cells from oxidative stress and reduces the risk of diseases of civilization, such as diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Clinging cuddly also provides support for our brain. It protects neurons from damage and normalizes the secretion of neurotransmitters, providing a more balanced mood and better mental performance. Among the valuable medicinal properties of clinging cuddly also worth mentioning are its diuretic effect and support of kidney function.

Clinging cuddly hellebore – a prescription for improving the condition of the urinary tract

Clinging cuddly hellebore is known for its good diuretic properties. By stimulating the production of urine in the kidneys and increasing the frequency of urination, it stimulates the removal of toxins and unnecessary substances from the body (they are excreted with urine). The plant also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, which can benefit the urinary tract in the case of infections. Active substances contained in clinging cuddly help extinguish inflammation of the urinary tract and reduce swelling, cramps and pain.

Thanks to its ability to cleanse the urinary tract, as well as its antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, when consumed regularly, clinging cuddly plant infusions reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. The diuretic properties also contribute to supporting the work of the kidneys, relieving their pressure and filtration.

Thanks to its properties, clinging cuddly can support cystitis, bacterial urinary tract infections, as well as kidney stones, gout and urinary problems.

Moreover, the plant is a valuable aid to the problem of water retention in the body. By stimulating the removal of excess water from the body, it combats swelling of the body and the feeling of heaviness, helps reduce girth and weight, and reduces water cellulite.

If you are bothered by urinary tract problems, it is worth trying Urinofix.

How does clinging cudweed work on varicose veins?

Clinging cudweed is abundant in compounds such as flavonoids and saponins, which act to dilate blood vessels, make them more flexible, strengthen their walls and improve blood circulation. Thanks to these actions, it eliminates pain and the feeling of heaviness in the lower limbs, helps reduce the appearance of varicose veins and prevents their further development, and reduces swelling in the legs. It is also helpful for hemorrhoids.

Clinging cudweed, by promoting proper blood flow, cleansing the blood and improving the condition of blood vessels, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also strengthens the heart and stabilizes its rhythm.

The vexing problem of varicose veins, vascular spider veins, swelling, pain and heaviness of theof the legs can also be alleviated by regular use of the multi-ingredient dietary supplement Varicorin.

Clinging cuddly hellebore for the thyroid gland

Clinging cuddly clingwort shows positive effects on the thyroid gland by regulating metabolic and hormonal functions and supporting the immune system. It normalizes the secretion of thyroid hormones and improves thyroid function, being a valuable support in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Clinging cuddly also exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, making it beneficial for people with thyroiditis.

Ingredients contained in clinging cuddly plant have the effect of strengthening the immune system. As a result, the plant helps the body fight autoimmune diseases that sometimes accompany thyroid disorders. Moreover, clinging cuddly stimulates the detoxification process of the entire body. Such regular comprehensive removal of toxins and unnecessary metabolic products promotes restoration of hormonal balance and improvement of thyroid health.

The dietary supplement Thyrolin can also help return the thyroid gland to balanced work and get rid of annoying disorders associated with thyroid dysfunction.

How to use clinging cudweed?

 Cut herb of clinging cudweed

Clinging cudweed can be used in various forms, depending on your health goals and personal preferences. The most common forms are dried herbs and extracts of cudweed in capsules or tablets.

Dried cozily herb can be purchased at pharmacies, herbal stores, health food stores and eco-products stores. Prepared preparations with cozia can be purchased in pharmacies and dietary supplement stores. A tincture or water extract can be made from fresh or dried cudia herb.

A simple and quick way to consume cuddly hugia is to prepare a tea from it.

Pour 1 tablespoon of dried coziness over 1 cup of boiling water. We leave it to brew for about 10-15 minutes. We drink such an infusion 1-2 times a day.

Clinging cudweed can also be used externally, whether as a bath additive or as the base of a rinse or poultice. When used in these forms, it soothes skin irritation, reduces itching and soreness, levels skin lesions and stimulates regeneration processes, as well as acts as an antiseptic and helps fend off skin infections.

How long can you use clinging cudweed?

The duration of treatment with clinging cuddly can vary depending on individual health needs and the purpose of its use. For short-term ailments, such as colds, weakness, urinary tract infections, it is usually recommended to use for a period of a few days to a week until the symptoms subside.

For long-term ailments, such as skin conditions, thyroid problems, circulation problems or problems with the digestive systemgastrointestinal tract, clinging cuddly can be used for a longer period of time, but intermittently, as recommended by a doctor or herbal specialist. Mostly, clinging cuddly is used for 1-2 months, after which it is discontinued for some time.

For those using clinging cuddly as a preventive measure or as a support for general health, it is recommended to use it in moderation.

Clinging cuddlebush – contraindications, harm and side effects.

Clinging cuddlebush may not be advisable or even harmful for some people. It should be avoided by people with allergies to plants of the marzanaceae family, as allergic reactions, including rash, itching and swelling, can occur. Clinging cudweed should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children.

People taking anticoagulants, blood pressure reducing drugs, diuretics or blood sugar lowering drugs should consult a with a doctor before starting to use clinging cuddly, as it may affect the effectiveness of these medications.

As for side effects, they usually do not occur. Only the use of excessive doses of clinging cuddly can cause side effects, including headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn.

Category: Health

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