5 kg on the scale down or up makes a difference! If you look in the mirror and find that your silhouette could use a little touch-up in the form of removing protruding flanks, slimming thighs and arms or reducing the waist circumference, try our method. With the help of a few proven tricks you will activate fat burning and quickly lose weight! See how to lose 5 kg – it really works!
Table of contents
How to lose 5 kg fast – make losing weight your priority!
Why does slimming often not bring satisfactory results? Because we approach it with a straw enthusiasm. You probably decided many times that you are going to take care of yourself, imagining your new, super slim face, but soon old eating habits and aversion to physical exertion won out, and the imaginary super slim figure got blurred and disappeared. If this was the case, don’t worry, you’re not the only one.
Many people find it hard to fully mobilize and persevere in their resolutions to lose weight. However, there is a way to do it. You need to create your own individual slimming plan, which will be pleasant and easy to implement, and which will also give you quick and visible results – nothing motivates you more than tangible, visible changes and a real loss of centimetres on your waist or kilos on your weight.
As part of an individual weight loss plan we focus on such forms of activity which give us pleasure. When it comes to diet, we eliminate fattening foods and apply the principle of reduced calorie meals, while eating a variety of tasty foods. It can be done, although some people think that good food is only food that has little to do with diet. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Remember that if you really like your new diet and physical activity, it will be much easier for you to stay motivated and lose 5 kg than if you torture yourself with harsh workouts or sadistic monodiet.
What to eat to lose 5 kg?
A diet to lose weight should be based on products which are filling on the one hand and do not affect the accumulation of fat tissue on the other. The menu should also include products that stimulate metabolism (e.g. grapefruits, ginger, chlorella and spirulina, cinnamon, green tea), cleanse toxins and support digestive processes and fat breakdown (e.g. apples, pineapples, young green barley, dried plums, chili peppers, turmeric).

The ideal menu conducive to rapid loss of 5 kg is one in which most meals are built on the basis of vegetables. Vegetables satisfy hunger well and contain very few calories, so you can eat them almost without limitation. Here there is a whole arsenal of dishes to choose from ranging from salads and light diet salads, through soups and smoothies made from vegetables, to one-pot dishes, casseroles and pates made from vegetables.
If you’re aiming to quickly lose 5 kg, your menu should also include lean dairy products, eggs and fish – they brilliantly speed up metabolism and cause the body to start burning more calories (digesting protein requires more energy). You can also reach for lean meats (without “enhancers”) and lean meat (preferably turkey or chicken breast fillet).
The next important element of the menu are fibre products – bran, cereals, natural rice, coarse groats, wholemeal bread. It is worth to replace white bread, white pasta and other products made of white flour with these products.
Effective weight loss diet – what not to eat to lose weight efficiently
You probably don’t need to be reminded what a danger for your silhouette are all sorts of candy bars, cakes, cookies, sweets, fast food, ready meals, fatty meats and sausages and the whole arsenal of processed food, which shelves in shops are overflowing with. It’s also worth putting aside fatty cheeses and cream when losing weight. Watch out for coloured drinks, nectars and juices, most of which contain large amounts of sugars, making them powerful calorie carriers.
Another group of products to watch out for are oils and spreads. It is better to replace fried dishes with boiled or baked ones (without fat or with a small amount of olive oil). Salads should be dressed with a vinaigrette of olive or good quality oil, or simply with lemon juice. When it comes to spreading bread, choose low-fat cream cheese or coconut oil in small quantities.
Remember, there are plenty of products available in stores, from which you can create your own diet menu. Stick to the above rules, while keeping your taste preferences in mind, and you will definitely like your new diet!
Here is a sample menu for a 5 kg weight loss diet:
1 day
- Breakfast: spelt flakes on skim milk with prunes and raisins
- Day 2 Breakfast: cucumber and carrot sticks with herbal yoghurt dip
- Dinner: buckwheat groats with vegetable stew
- Tea time: fruit mousse
- Dinner: wholemeal bread sandwiches with turkey, lettuce, cucumber and tomato
2nd day
- Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, wholemeal bread, salad with pickled cucumber and paprika
- 2nd breakfast: natural yoghurt with banana (chopped or grated)
- Dinner: baked fish, baked potato, salad bouquet
- Tea time: rice with apples and cinnamon
- Dinner: cottage cheese with vegetables, crisp bread
Day 3
- Breakfast: porridge with peanut butter and blueberries
- 2nd breakfast: a sandwich with mozzarella, tomato, olives and basil
- Lunch: broccoli soup (whipped with cream cheese) with whole wheat pasta
- Tea time: zucchini carpaccio
- Dinner: a graham with cottage-fish paste, radishes, tomato, cucumber
How to lose 5 kg – physical activity

Many people who lead rather sedentary lifestyles and struggle with obesity associate the word ‘activity’ rather negatively – it means exhaustion, exorbitant effort and doing something under compulsion, without pleasure. In this case, it’s worth taking a different approach to activity, thinking that it’s the way to the slim body of our dreams and life satisfaction, and that it doesn’t have to mean spending time unpleasantly or making an extreme effort.
Each of us can think of at least one activity that could be enjoyable to do. It could be anything from martial arts, to cycling or rollerblading, to an intimate exercise on a mat in your own room. The most important thing is that you choose something that is easy to motivate yourself to do, that you can really enjoy and that has a chance of becoming a habit. Remember that an effective activity for weight loss is an activity done regularly and often. An hour of running once every week or two has not slimmed anyone down yet. Try to train several times a week, and you will quickly notice the difference in your weight and in the appearance of your figure.
Examples of exercises that ensure high calorie burning:
- Running
- Aerobics
- High-intensity dumbbell exercises
- Bouncing on a skipping rope
- Roller skating
- Karate, judo, boxing
- Swimming
- Squash
- Tennis
- Climbing
- Dynamic cycling (stationary or ordinary)
- Dynamic exercise on an orbitrek
How to lose 5 kg fast – dietary supplements
Diet, exercise, supplementation – this is the golden triangle that gives the best and fastest results in losing weight. The most popular and highest rated are those dietary supplements that combine good quality ingredients with comprehensive action – the product should simultaneously guard your metabolism, increase the fat burning rate, control your appetite and give you energy.
Such a supplement can be very helpful – one capsule becomes our ally in the implementation of a diet and activity plan and in mobilising the body to burn fat tissue faster. Examples of such preparations are popular among weight-loss adepts: Fast Burn Extreme, Piperinox and Silvets.