Strength training, which is supposed to bring the planned results, is connected with great effort for our organism, which even demands an appropriate dose of rest afterwards. There is no denying that intensive exercises performed several times a week put enormous strain on individual muscle groups. For this reason, neglecting the process of their proper regeneration is a simple way to serious injuries, which can cause not only a long break in training, but also the need for treatment, often in hospital conditions. Now that we know how to prepare our body for muscle mass gain, it’s time to learn about the most important principles of body regeneration, which also has a significant impact on the level of implementation of the previously established training plan.
Table of contents
- 1 Body regeneration – how to recognise the first symptoms of overtraining
- 2 Body regeneration – how to recognize the overtraining syndrome and how to counteract it effectively
- 3 Body regeneration – the principles recommended by professionals
- 4 Regeneration of the body – proper supplementation, supplementing what we do not supply with food
Body regeneration – how to recognise the first symptoms of overtraining
The human body consists of many constantly cooperating systems that can be compared to an efficiently functioning factory, so even the smallest disruption in the work of one of them has an automatic impact on the others. Therefore, we must not underestimate the importance of regeneration, which is important not only for athletes, but also for every person. Our typical day consists of a phase of high activity, the effort we give at work, at home, in training or at school, but towards evening, the body usually starts to feel the negative effects of this. We need to ensure that we get enough quality rest, otherwise we risk not only an increased possibility of injury, but also the equally common overtraining syndrome. The body begins to react more and more negatively to increased physical effort, and the most common symptoms of this that we definitely cannot ignore are:
- an almost immediately perceptible decrease in strength, performance and general physical endurance;
- muscle pain of varying intensity that appears after training, usually depending on the type and intensity of the physical effort
- Reduced reaction speed, i.e. a decrease in our motor values, in short reflexes;
- Lack of appetite, with prolonged fatigue even resulting in a noticeable decrease in body weight;
- decreased concentration and general mental abilities, e.g. memorising or learning;
- deterioration of the psychological well-being, mood swings, strong irritation, in extreme cases even leading to depression;
- shortness of breath and problems with the heart and circulatory system, e.g. chest pains, which should be immediately reported to a doctor. Equally often there is an increased heart rate, which is a sign of possible blood pressure problems;
- weakening of the body’s immune system, increasing its susceptibility to infections;
- problems with falling asleep, which may lead to insomnia or its opposite, i.e. excessive sleepiness.
Body regeneration – how to recognize the overtraining syndrome and how to counteract it effectively

Each of the above symptoms should at least arouse our concern, heralding the overtraining syndrome mentioned above, which can also be detected by simple tests that we can perform on our own. It is enough to observe our organism regularly, especially during a big effort e.g. running, when our heart rate should be monitored all the time. If it does not fall down even after finishing a workout, and the next day in the morning there are still disturbances, it is a sign that our body has not been properly regenerated. To avoid this in the future, you can start a training diary, on paper or in a smartphone, and there are already specially created applications for this. We record in it not only our progress, but also all the reactions of the body to increased physical effort, both positive and negative. If the latter start to dominate, it’s a sign that it’s time for rest and rebuilding of the impaired strength.
So let’s not underestimate the benefits of rest, recommended especially for intensive strength training, which really cannot be underestimated, and by following the rules recommended by specialists, we can count on:
- reducing the risk of the aforementioned injuries, especially painful pulling or tearing of muscles, which could exclude us from training even for many months;
- quick elimination of the above mentioned effects of overtraining;
- regaining strength and energy, necessary for the implementation of the assumed exercise plan without the necessity of their interruption;
- better mental well-being, providing the motivation necessary not only to continue training, but also helping in many ordinary, everyday activities;
- the appearance of the so-called supercompensation effect, when our organism with subsequent workouts accumulates and compensates more and more energy reserves. This increases our strength, endurance and endurance capacity, allowing us to intensify our exercise even further.
Body regeneration – the principles recommended by professionals
Every great physical effort, not only lifting weights at the gym, is a great burden for the musculoskeletal system, which not only needs a lot of time to get back to full shape, but this rest should also take place during the regeneration period. However, this rest should also take place in a proper way, it is not recommended, for example, the proverbial lying down, and such irresponsible behavior may even worsen, and not improve our condition. Muscles tired with training should be first of all relaxed with delicate stretching exercises, reducing not only pain or the possibility of developing soreness, but also the risk of extremely dangerous venous congestion. A good solution is also to take a break from exercising the same muscle parts, maintaining intervals between subsequent workouts, lasting 24 or even 48 hours, depending on the degree of overtraining. Such treatment is the absolute basis, which we must always remember, and other rules, also useful in everyday life, not only for athletes, are:
1. individual training plan, matched to the capabilities of the body
There is no way to regenerate properly without a proper training plan adapted to the real performance of the body. Its preparation is a task for a specialist, often supported by medical examinations that precisely define which exercises can be performed at what time and how much of it must be devoted to rest. It is true that you can find sets of exercises on the Internet, but their thoughtless use is associated with the risk of not only overtraining the body, but also with difficult to heal, long-term injuries.
Properly balanced, healthy diet

Dietary errors committed almost immediately take revenge on people actively involved in sport, making it difficult for them to achieve all the results of intensive training. After all, the body of an exercising person needs perfectly matched doses of nutrients, especially the natural building block of muscle tissue, i.e. protein, and high-energy carbohydrates to replenish all energy losses caused by training. That’s why it’s so important to eat a meal immediately afterwards, which we must always remember, to avoid muscle catabolism, i.e. the phenomenon of their breakdown when the body starts to burn them to make up for energy shortages. From a diet, including the one for muscle mass, you should also remove everything that is unhealthy, especially fattening fast foods, highly processed foods and all stimulants, including alcohol and cigarettes, which can lead to the development of many dangerous diseases such as hypothyroidism or liver cancer.
3. regular replenishment of fluid loss
During exercise, we begin to sweat intensively and thus lose large amounts of fluid, which must be replenished at all times. If we neglect this, dangerous processes begin to take place in our bodies, leading to blood thickening and, as a result, to disorders of the heart and the entire circulatory system. It may also lead to disorders of the nervous system and particularly dangerous overheating, which may even end in a heat stroke. Drink water or isotonic drinks recommended by doctors and professional trainers to supplement lost minerals, vitamins and other valuable nutrients.
4. sleep, the best cure for everything
Most of the processes of proper rest and regeneration of our body take place during sleep, so it is not without reason that we say that it is the best medicine for everything. It is at night that the pineal gland gets into action, starting to produce large amounts of melatonin, responsible for regulating our daily rhythm, “telling” the body when it should be active, and when it is time for sleep and rest. Any disruption of this natural rhythm has an immediate negative impact on our health, and its complete disruption makes it impossible to regenerate. During sleep a growth hormone is secreted, especially important for strength training enthusiasts, which is also responsible for the growth of muscle tissue. It is therefore worth establishing a fixed amount of sleep, at least 7 hours a night, and go to bed always at the same time. You should also not go to bed with a full stomach, which can cause digestive disorders knocking us out of sleep, about 2 hours should pass since the last meal, and the room must be adequately ventilated.
5. baths, massages and other regenerative treatments

When we mean bathing, of course we don’t mean long hours in the bathtub, which, although pleasant, can adversely affect our muscles. A better solution is water therapy, i.e. alternating cold and warm showers, which in turn causes beneficial constriction and expansion of blood vessels. At the same time, water reduces the tension of muscles tired with training, improves their blood supply, eliminating all pain. A swimming pool is also recommended, but not for competitive swimming, only for relaxing, calm swimming which strengthens all parts of the muscles and relieves the skeletal system, especially the spine. Similar effects can be achieved by sauna, warming up the muscles in hot steam, but it is not recommended for people suffering from heart or circulatory system diseases. Once in a while it is also worth giving into the hands of a massage therapist, of course not an amateur, but a professional, licensed physiotherapist, and minor massages of specific muscle parts we can also do ourselves.
Regeneration of the body – proper supplementation, supplementing what we do not supply with food

Keeping the above tips, we will be able to regenerate quickly and most importantly, effectively even after the greatest effort, but the whole process can be greatly accelerated, remembering about the simultaneous, proper supplementation of the body. Its main purpose is to provide the body with nutrients lost during exercise, which we are not always able to replenish through diet. They also contain other valuable ingredients which speed up the regeneration process, and the one most often recommended by specialists is Nutrigo Lab Regeneration, a supplement which should be used by every sports fan, not only those training for strength.
The strength with which it helps you rest and regenerate comes directly from its composition, which is one hundred percent natural and completely safe for health. Nutrigo Lab Regeneration contains as many as 90 active ingredients, of which the following are particularly worth mentioning
- casein hydrolysate – PeptoPro®, which has the effect of preventing muscle breakdown;
- whey protein hydrolysate – Optipep®, full of protein, the most important building material for muscle tissue
- black pepper extract, a source of piperine, which improves overall mental and physical performance
- Vitamin B6, which mainly takes care of the immune and nervous systems;
- valuable amino acids: leucine (l), which speeds up muscle regeneration; glutamine (l), which participates in nitrogen metabolism, removes toxins and improves the efficiency of the body; valine (l) and isoleucine (l), both of which protect muscles against catabolism, increase muscle strength and speed up the process of regeneration and healing of damaged muscles.
It is thanks to these two substances that Nutrigo Lab Regeneration boasts an exceptionally broad spectrum of activity, guaranteeing full regeneration in an exceptionally short time, which is usually impossible to achieve in a traditional way. Among other things, it allows you to make 100% use of the anabolic window, i.e. the time immediately after training when your body best absorbs all the nutrients it needs to rest.
As you can see, it is worth visiting the website of the producer of this revolutionary supplement, where you will find detailed information about it and, using a convenient form, you can place an order for any number of packs at the lowest promotional price.