Supplement stores are overflowing with protein supplements, which help you achieve the expected training effects in mass gain, reduction and sculpting cycles. I increasingly often give up ready-made products in favour of home-made protein shakes. Their advantage is that you can compose them in any way you like, using exactly the ingredients you want. This way you get a shake that is not only nutritionally valuable, but also tasty. Here are proven recipes for shakes for muscle mass.
Table of contents
Protein shakes for mass – homemade or store bought?

Many of my gym friends often complain about stomach aches and other digestive ailments due to excessive intake of protein supplements. If you use the cheapest ones, with uncertain composition, or if you torture your body with them all the time, it’s no wonder that at some point your digestive system says no. It’s definitely worth switching to slightly better quality products.
See also
:Ranking of the most effective supplements for mass and sculpting
If possible, it is also worth replacing powdered shakes with self-made protein shakes based on buttermilk, kefir, natural yoghurt, cottage cheese or milk.
Homemade protein shakes for mass (if composed of the right products) will provide us with a full range of amino acids needed by our muscles. They are certainly not inferior to ready-made supplements. It can even be said that they are better in some respects – natural, free from artificial additives, well absorbable, safe for health… Of course I don’t completely reject the “store-bought” products, I use them myself, I only appeal to caution in the selection and the quantities consumed of this type of products.
Ready-made shakes for mass
Ready-made mixes of high quality ingredients are the best way to increase body mass. Currently, Nutrigo Lab Mass is number 1 on the Polish market. Mix this product with milk or water to maximise its properties!
How does Nutrigo Lab Mass work?
- Accelerates building muscle mass,
- increases the synthesis of the growth hormone,
- increases strength and endurance,
- accelerates fat tissue burning.
Shakes for mass – how should they be composed?

If you have time and culinary inventiveness, I recommend playing with composing your own shakes for mass. Their core should of course be what your muscles like the most, namely protein. I personally recommend natural buttermilk, which I use most often. The second in order is kefir and natural yoghurt. Quite often I also use cottage cheese or cottage cheese in my shakes (I blend them and add some water or milk). A little less often I build smoothies on the basis of cow’s milk or soy milk.
Apart from dairy products, to shakes for muscle mass I add products rich in carbohydrates, both complex ones, which satiate for a long time and release energy slowly, and simple ones, giving an immediate boost of strength and energy. The products I often use are: cereals, bran, wheat germ, nuts, almonds, sea algae powder, young green barley. The advantage of these products is that, in addition to carbohydrates, they also contain some protein.
Homemade weight gain shakes are also varied with fruit ingredients, which are an excellent source of simple sugars, vitamins and minerals. I usually reach for the richest in terms of protein content, so: plums, bananas, avocado, raisins, oranges, grapefruit. But of course I do not avoid other fruits. Sometimes I also add peanut butter, extra virgin olive oil or flaxseed oil. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in them accelerate muscle regeneration. It is not uncommon for my shakes to include spinach, parsley or other greens – they contain large amounts of iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium and zinc, as well as other minerals and vitamins indispensable for people training for strength.
Protein shakes for mass – recipes
Here are 5 different concepts of protein shakes for muscle mass. These compositions suit me best – they give energy, are nutritious, tasty and well tolerated by the body, plus they are quick and easy to prepare. Of course, you can change the ingredients according to your own invention.
Shake for the masses – recipe 1
- 350 ml buttermilk
- 1 avocado
- Handful of fresh spinach leaves
- 2 oranges
- handful of walnuts
Peel the oranges and cut them into smaller pieces. Cut the avocado in half and scoop out the flesh. Blend all the ingredients into a smooth mass.
Smoothie for the masses – recipe 2
- 350 ml kefir
- 3 Tbsp wheat germ
- 2 Tbsp rye bran
- 1 banana
- approx. 1 glass of blueberries or strawberries
- honey to taste
Peel and slice the banana. Blend all the ingredients into a smooth paste.
See also
:Mass Extreme – everything about the new muscle mass activator
Shake for mass – recipe 3
- 300 milk
- 3 tbsp Greek yoghurt
- half a cup of oatmeal
- 2 kiwis
- 3 tangerines
- 2-3 Tbsp powdered green barley
- Optional: spoonful of honey and half a glass of orange juice
Peel the fruits and divide them into pieces. Combine them with the other ingredients and blend.
Smoothie for the masses – recipe 4
- 150 g cottage cheese
- approx. 0.5 glass of water
- 3-4 tbsp natural yogurt
- bunch of parsley
- 2 oranges
- 1 kiwi
- 2 tbsp sesame seeds
- handful of nuts
- 1 tbsp honey
Peel the fruit and shred into smaller pieces. Blend all ingredients, add enough water to obtain a smooth consistency.
Smoothie for the masses – recipe 5
- 300 ml of natural yogurt
- approx. 0.5 cup milk
- 2 tablespoons of raisins
- Large glass of raspberries, currants or strawberries
- 2 Tbsp linseed
- honey to taste
Combine all the ingredients, blitz and you’re done.
See also
:Ranking of the most effective supplements for mass and sculpting