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Horsetail – properties, composition, influence on hair and skin. Get to know the most important advantages of this popular herb!

Field horsetail (Equisetum arvense L) is an interesting herb worth having in your kitchen. Under the cover of common “weed” hides a treasury of multiple medicinal properties. Thanks to its unusual composition (including the presence of easily assimilable silica), it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that field horsetail is one of the most popular natural ingredients used in home care treatments, including body and face masks, compresses, waxes and hair rinses. It is also found in many dietary supplements and cosmetics. For many people, there is no other herb as effective for hair! Read the article and learn about the wide range of properties of field horsetail!

What is field horsetail?

 Field horsetail

Horsetail is considered one of the oldest plants on earth. It belongs to the horsetail family and looks like a small Christmas tree. When its stems are rubbed, they make a characteristic creaking sound, which is where the name comes from.

In its free state, field horsetail grows almost everywhere (including meadows, fields, escarpments, baulks, railway embankments, gardens, roadsides). It spreads quickly and regenerates easily. It is very common, spread almost all over the world. Interestingly, this valuable medicinal plant is considered a persistent weed in many places.

Field horsetail – plant composition

Well-absorbable silicon compounds are the main, but definitely not the only advantage of field horsetail. In its composition we find a rich pool of antioxidants and other valuable bio-substances.

Using field horsetail herb we provide the body with the following components:

  • organic acids (including ascorbic and aconitic acid),
  • bioflavonoids (eequizetin, isoquercitrin, quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, camferol),
  • saponins,
  • tannins,
  • plant sterols,
  • resins,
  • bitters,
  • phenolic acids,
  • potassium,
  • silicic acid (silica),
  • magnesium,
  • calcium,
  • manganese,
  • phosphorus.

Field horsetail – medicinal properties

 Field horsetail

Horsetail is a herb with dozens of valuable actions. Let’s check what benefits we can derive from its systematic use.

Horsetail positively influences the circulatory system

One of the advantages of field horsetail (thanks to such ingredients as potassium and magnesium salts, silica, phytosterols, quercetin) is its positive influence on blood vessels and the heart. It helps normalize the work of heart, prevents arrhythmia, improves blood circulation. It lowers blood pressure, normalizes cholesterol level and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

Thanks to high flavonoid and silica content it strengthens and seals blood vessel walls reducing their permeability. Field horsetail herb also has a slight haematopoietic effect (it increases the number of red blood cells). What is more, it helps to stop bleeding, is useful in various haemorrhages, excessive menstruation, varicose veins of anus, ulcers of colon, stomach ulcers.

Horsetail helps in urinary tract disorders

Horsetail is beneficial to the health of the urinary tract. By stimulating urine production, it improves kidney function and prevents formation and retention of sand and stones in the kidneys. It is helpful in inflammatory conditions of urinary tract (fights bacteria responsible for infections and has anti-inflammatory effect). It also has a beneficial influence on bile ducts. It also supports the treatment of urolithiasis and gout.

Horsetail is a natural prescription for wounds, infections and skin diseases

Thanks to field horsetail herb, whether applied externally or internally (and ideally both), we can count on a quicker and more efficient cure for many skin ailments and diseases.

Horsetail stimulates the synthesis of skin cells and improves the condition of connective tissue and mucous membranes. By stimulating the growth of new tissue and supporting the regeneration process, it contributes to a comprehensive improvement of the skin’s condition. Noteworthy are also the anti-inflammatory, cleansing, antibacterial and antifungal properties of field horsetail, thanks to which various skin eruptions and infections can be more easily dealt with.

In which skin ailments and diseases is field horsetail useful? It helps in fighting seborrhea, dandruff, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, ringworm, eczema, rashes and acne. It allows to get rid of abscesses, boils, ulcers faster. It soothes irritations, is helpful in burns and swelling. It shows properties which accelerate wound healing.

Horsetail stimulates cleansing the body of toxins

Field horsetail is also known for its ability to cleanse the body. Being a diuretic, it stimulates the removal (along with urine) of harmful metabolic products, toxins and heavy metals from the body. In addition to its detoxifying effect, it helps rid the body of any pathogens such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Field horsetail improves digestion and regulates metabolism

It is worth making friends with field horsetail in case of digestive problems, problems with elevated blood sugar levels, slow metabolism and easy weight gain.

An infusion of field horsetail will improve the functioning of the digestive tract and alleviate digestive disorders after a heavy meal. It will help get rid of bloating and constipation and relieve abdominal cramps and pains. Regular use of horsetail herb will also help improve metabolism and improve the work of the pancreas. It may also have an effect on lowering the level of glucose in the bloodstream.

Field horsetail supports the body’s immune system

Thanks to numerous antioxidants, field horsetail helps build high immunity and reduces the risk of civilization diseases. By combating harmful free radicals, it protects cells from damage. It inhibits inflammatory processes, slows down ageing of the body, adds energy and vitality.

Other health promoting properties of field horsetail

  • Strengthens bones and improves their density,
  • it is helpful in rheumatic disorders,
  • helps in arthritic pains,
  • supplements micronutrient deficiencies,
  • supports liver function,
  • it has diastolic effect,
  • it can be used for mouthwash in case of inflammatory conditions of throat and oral cavity and bleeding gums,
  • has a positive influence on the nervous system, improves brain function,
  • it is useful in problems with excessive sweating,
  • strengthens hair and nails,
  • it improves skin condition, increases epidermis flexibility and stimulates collagen synthesis, firms, smoothes and revitalizes skin.

Field horsetail for hair

 Field horsetail

Regular application of field horsetail on hair strengthens it, inhibits excessive hair loss and activates the process of regeneration and dynamic growth. The substance responsible for these valuable properties is mainly silicon, of which there is a lot in field horsetail (in the form of water-soluble, perfectly absorbable silica). How does field horsetail work on hair?

Field horsetail revitalizes and strengthens hair and stimulates its growth

The presence of many active substances in a high concentration and in an easily absorbable form is the reason why field horsetail is among the most effective, best herbs for hair loss. An additional advantage of this plant is the elimination of many other hair imperfections and scalp diseases: dandruff, brittleness and fragility of hair, weakening and loss of hair volume, slow hair growth, loss of hair structureof hair, defects in hair structure, roughness and lack of shine of hair and general loss of hair vitality.

The compounds contained in field horsetail support complex mineralization of hair. Hair becomes less brittle and fragile, gains in quality. The strengthening and repairing effect of field h orsetail goes hand in hand with an acceleration of the hair growth process. Horsetail also makes hair thicker, smoother, shinier and better nourished.

Check out this intensive field horsetail supplement for fast hair growth and restoration: Locerin

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Field horsetail blocks the harmful effects of the hormone DHT

People who suffer from male pattern baldness often have doubts about the effectiveness of herbal treatments. If the problem is not at a very advanced stage, field horsetail can inhibit the process of further hair loss. Apart from its valuable properties strengthening hair roots and bulbs, it has another advantage in the form of blocking action of DHT hormone, which negatively influences hair follicles.

Field horsetail prevents minimization and death of hair follicles and activates them to produce hair with a sufficiently long growth phase. The best results can be achieved with a long-term oral application of field horsetail extract and additionally with hair horsetail masks and hair waxes.

Get to know the dietary supplement that inhibits baldness with a multi-dose of field horsetail in the composition: Profolan

 Profolan product for baldness

How to use field horsetail for hair?

Home treatments with field horsetail for hair are simple and quick. In order for them to have a visible effect, they should be used regularly.

Field horsetail rinse

Pour around 500 ml of boiling water over 2 spoonfuls of field horsetail herb. Brew under a lid. After cooling, pour it into a bowl and soak your hair, massaging the scalp. After a few minutes, drain the water and dry your hair (preferably naturally, without a hair dryer). Use once or twice a week.

Field horsetail hair mask

Crush 3 spoonfuls of field horsetail to a powder (in a blender or grinder). Add a spoon of hair oil (e.g. argan, jojoba, linseed or other), lemon juice and a spoon of honey. Apply the paste all over the hair and lightly massage the scalp. Wash the mask after 30 minutes. Use it once or twice a week.

Hydrolyte with field horsetail

Make an infusion of 1 spoon of field horsetail and 150 ml of water. Add a spoon of hair oil (e.g. safflower or argan oil). Mix. Pour into a bottle with an atomizer. Before each shampooing, spray the hydrolate all over your hair and scalp. Lightly rub the liquid into the scalp. After 20-30 minutes wash your hair.

Read also: Nettle for hair

Category: Beauty

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