Intensive hair loss can be caused by many different factors, ranging from unhealthy lifestyle and nutritional deficiencies, through the use of aggressive forms of hair styling, to hormonal and genetic factors. Regardless of the cause of hair loss, thanks to the preparations currently available on the market it is possible to thoroughly strengthen hair bulbs and hair follicles and to stop further hair loss process. We can choose between preparations for external and internal use, but the best results are obtained by combining both forms of treatment. How to prevent hair loss without visiting beauty salons and clinics?
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Oral Hair Loss Remedies – Universal Pills or Advanced Supplements?
Hair loss is a persistent, unsightly, often self-confident or embarrassing problem. One of the common causes of baldness is a poor diet (deficient in nutrients important for hair health), and other lifestyle factors such as stress, fatigue, deficiency of nutrients, and inadequate hair care: stress, exhaustion, sleep deficiency, excess of stimulants, improper hair care. Another common cause of systematic hair thinning in men is high level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body, leading to miniaturization of hair follicles.
Regardless of the reason for excessive hair loss, good quality commercial preparations may help us. Their choice is extremely wide, with a large group of oral agents based on natural ingredients. As in any category of preparations, also among hair loss pills there are weaker and stronger ones. The former, available in drugstores and pharmacies, are generally based on 2-3 or a few ingredients at most (e.g. 1 or 2 herbal extracts plus biotin, vitamin A). Their effect is mostly not very intensive.
Such universal hair pills with a narrow, not very advanced composition usually work well with moderate or seasonal hair loss, but in case of alopecia and very severe hair loss they are usually insufficient.
Much better results are given in this case by multi-element cap sules containing rich compositions of extracts from medicinal plants and appropriately selected vitamins, proteins, aminovitamins, proteins, amino acids and minerals which take care of the proper functioning of hair follicles, hair bulbs, scalp and hair itself as well as of cell nutrition.
How do advanced hair loss supplements work?
Such rich, advanced preparations are distinguished by multidirectional action, high concentration of biologically active substances and maximum assimilability by the body, and thus much higher effectiveness than ordinary pills. They inhibit hair loss, stabilize the levels of hormones responsible for damage to hair follicles, normalize the skin of the head, prevent graying, accelerate the growth of hair.They prevent graying, accelerate hair growth, lead to an extension of the hair growth phase and more intensive proliferation of hair cells.
Read also: Vitamins for hair
Check it out: How to strengthen hair?
Which male pattern baldness remedy to choose?

Which oral hair loss remedy to choose in case of androgenic (male) hair loss? Unfortunately, universal vitamin-based hair growth preparations may not be very effective in this case. They do not go to the heart of the problem – they do not prevent harmful effects of DHT hormone, which promotes miniaturization of hair follicles and is in fact the main cause of male pattern baldness.
Lower-end preparations also do not stimulate proliferation of cells that are the building blocks of new hair, which high-end preparations do.
A more effective way to treat androgenic alopecia are dietary supplements, which contain substances that directly attack the cause of hair loss in men. Mainly those that supply the scalp with large amounts of nutrients, improve hair structure, strengthen hair follicles and block the process of their destruction by the DHT hormone.
The Profolan and Follisin supplements compare particularly well. These are modern, extended preparations inhibiting baldness and stimulating hair growth in one. Both are distinguished by a very rich formula in which active substances (including amino acids, minerals, vitamins, concentrated extracts with high bioavailability) interact and contribute to hair growth.concentrated extracts of high biodegradability), contribute to gradual inhibition of the process of baldness, as well as to the regeneration of hair follicles, improve the condition of the scalp and stimulate the process of new hair growth.
Profolan capsules are based on a unique Grow3 formula combining highly active extracts of field horsetail and nettle (in huge doses) with L-cysteine.

Such a complex of ingredients (plus several additional bio-elements) allows for effective blocking of DHT hormone, revitalization and strengthening of hair follicles, easier anchoring of in the follicles of new hair, accelerating hair growth, deepening natural hair color, improving hair structure, as well as a general improvement and rejuvenation of the hairstyle.
The base of Folisin capsules are 3 innovative ingredients with high biological activity (AnaGain™ Nu, PhosphaMax, EVNolMax™) and important for male hormonal balance and hair health plant extracts (from sabal palm and pumpkin). The capsules also contain vitamins and three minerals most important for strong and vital hair: zinc, selenium, copper.

This composition shows many positive effects on hair, the most important of which are: inhibition of baldness, improvement of hair quality, activation of the proliferation of new hair cells, prevention of graying, thickening of hair, protection against damage and premature hair loss.
Check: Ranking of Preparations For Baldness
Shampoos and lotions for hair loss

Topical hair loss preparations can be found in the form of shampoos and li quids to be rubbed into the scalp. They are based on different types of active substances, including most often:
- caffeine,
- vitamins,
- proteins,
- plant extracts.
However, the most popular and allegedly the most effective is minoxidil (present in such products as Loxon, Piloxidil). It is an organic compound that improves blood supply to the scalp, stimulates hair follicles to work more efficiently and inhibits their miniaturization process.
It is worth noting, however, that in the case of hormonally induced androgenic alopecia, shampoos against hair loss may be of limited effectiveness. Just like ampoules for hair growth, which are filled with highly concentrated complexes of vitamins, minerals andAlthough they are packed with highly concentrated complexes of vitamins, minerals and proteins, they do stimulate hair growth but do not address the real cause of male pattern baldness.
A double treatment guarantees good results
Undoubtedly, hair loss lotions, shampoos and ampoules are worth considering and can support the treatment of hair loss.However, they will give much better results in combination with an oral treatment involving multi-ingredient supplements for hair loss.