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Reishi, a mushroom with many amazing health properties, even called the immortality mushroom!

Reishi (Yellow seabream, Ganoderma lucidum) is an Asian medicinal mushroom with a wide reputation and rich tradition. It is not lacking in precious health-promoting properties, with the fight against dangerous diseases at the forefront. Mushroom reishi also shows strong abilities to stimulate vital forces and inhibit the aging process. Interestingly, Yellow seabream can also help us shed unwanted pounds, but that’s not the end of the benefits of this unique fungus. Learn all about the most valuable properties of reishi!

Medicinal mushrooms – is it worth to use them?

mushroom held in the hand

More and more is being said about the amazing properties of Asian medicinal mushrooms. In the western world they are still something new, but in the Far East the tradition of healing with mushrooms is already several thousand years old. There are as many as several hundred different species of mushrooms with health properties, about 200 of which come from Asia.

Healing mushrooms (or vital mushrooms) are characterized by a high content of various nutrients, strengthening and normalizing the functioning of the system.

Thanks to a strong bioactive effect, they fight many ailments and diseases, including cancer, they also have the ability to strengthen the body’s natural immunity, regulate metabolic processes and repair disturbed hormonal balance. The therapy with mushrooms even has its own special name – fungotherapy or mycotherapy.

Theoretically it is impossible to deny the qualities of medicinal mushrooms, however the question arises whether we really trust them? Do we appreciate their health potential? Opinions are divided here. Some people use them quite freely and without fear, praising their salutary action many times. Others, on the other hand, approach them with a great deal of skepticism and reserve.

Distrust towards Asian medicinal mushrooms as a cure for ailments that afflict us is actually quite understandable – after all we are aware that many mushrooms contain toxic substances that can cause numerous side effects and lead to serious, even fatal poisoning, so we are not enthusiastic about trying new species. Even more so if these are species from a completely different region of the world.

So are medicinal mushrooms safe? On the one hand, we can be reassured. Species such as the discussed reishi, or coneflower, shiitake, maitake, cordyceps, etc. have been used in Asian natural medicine for many centuries, some of them additionally known and popular edible mushrooms. What is more, many of these mushrooms have recently been increasingly used also in our medicine. They are extensively described in the literature and subjected to numerous scientific studies, to later find their place in official therapies, such as anti-cancer therapies.

So if mushrooms are used in medicine, they can be considered safe? You can, but remember to choose only good quality dietary supplements. Anonymous preparations available on auction sites do not guarantee safety and high quality of the product. It is also always worth sticking strictly to the dosages specified by the manufacturer of the preparation. Some substances used in excess can turn out to be toxic for us.

Amazing mushroom of immortality

Fungus reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)

Can a mushroom with such names as: immortality mushroom, longevity mushroom, strength-inducing herb, 100-years-old mushroom, mushroom with supernatural properties, ghost plant, not have extraordinary properties?

This is certainly not the case for Yellow-veined Lac ewing, or reishi (Latin Ganoderma lucidum) – a mushroom from the Far East, one of the most recognized natural resources, used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for about 4 thousand years.

Mushroomreishi grows naturally on almost all continents, but in many places (including Europe) it is very rare. For this reason, it is protected in many parts of the world and is on the endangered species list. However, since this fungus has a wide range of herbal and pharmaceutical applications, and grows sparsely in the wild, special cultivations are necessary. Thus, the largest cultures of yellow lacewing can be found in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and USA.

Mushroom reishi belongs to the family of lacewings, grows both in larger clusters and singly. It can be found in forests – on fallen trees and on the roots or trunks (rather in the lower parts) of older deciduous trees, especially dead ones, less often on living ones.

The cap of mushroom reishi is semicircular, flat in shape and dark brown in colour. The surface is shiny, not very even, marked with furrows. The flesh has a spongy texture and is white in colour.

Composition of mushroom reishi

The fundamental ingredient present in reishi mushrooms are polysaccharides, which occur here in significant quantities and which are characterized by intense bioactive effects. They serve, among other things, to strengthen our immune system, which translates into a better ability of the body to neutralize pathogens.

Another important compound contained in reishi mushrooms are triterpenes, which also act in an immune-stimulating manner, as well as exhibiting anti-cancer, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. An important substance contained in reishi is beta-glucan (one of the numerous polysaccharides found in this mushroom), which, in addition to boosting immunity, helps regulate sugar and cholesterol levels, and (by normalizing appetite and increasing the feeling of satiety) prevents weight gain.

All the major components of reishi mushrooms:

  • polysaccharides,
  • triterpenes,
  • sterols,
  • amino acids and proteins,
  • polyphenols,
  • alkaloids,
  • coumarins,
  • saponins,
  • phytoncides,
  • nucleotides,
  • fatty acids,
  • B vitamins,
  • vitamin C,
  • iron,
  • zinc,
  • magnesium,
  • copper,
  • germanium,
  • manganese,
  • calcium.

Mushroom reishi – impact on immunity

Yellow rot should not escape the attention of people with weakened immunity, often encountering various health problems, struggling with a general decline in vitality, prone to “catching” infections and colds, and suffering from chronic diseases. Thanks to the content of polysaccharides (including beta-glucan) and triterpenes, reishi mushrooms effectively strengthen the body, stimulate its defense mechanisms and reduce susceptibility to infections, inflammation, diseases and allergies. They also show antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

By stimulating the activity of immune cells, i.e. macrophages and lymphocytes, they contribute to a more efficient capture of pathogens and their more effective elimination from the body. Thanks to reishi mushrooms our immune system’s response to pathogens is more effective and we can enjoy better health and well-being. It’s also worth mentioning that thanks to good immunomodulating properties, reishi mushrooms may play an important role in fighting autoimmune diseases.

Reishi – antioxidant and anticancer properties

The triterpene compounds contained in reishi act as antioxidants. They participate in sweeping out harmful free radicals from the body and contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress on cells. In this way, reishi mushrooms prevent the formation of civilization diseases, including cancer, and slow down the aging processes occurring in the body. Numerous studies have also shown that due to the polysaccharides and triterpenes present, yellow lacewing contributes to the death of cancer cells and inhibits their further proliferation, thus supporting the fight against this dangerous disease.

Effects of reishi on the Cardiovascular System

For anyone struggling with cardiovascular ailments, the reishi mushroom can prove to be a valuable support. It dilates blood vessels, stimulates blood flow, increases oxygenation to the heart, and supports heart function. It reduces both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, reduces annoying discomforts such as shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, pulse irregularity, and chest pain.

Moreover, Ganoderma lucidum lowers triglyceride and bad cholesterol levels. It also reduces blood viscosity, preventing the formation of blood clots. With these properties, reishi lowers the risk of strokes, strokes, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

reishi mushroom helpful in lowering sugar levels

Since reishi mushroom has a stabilizing effect on the body and helps regulate those processes that have been disrupted, it can be a valuable support for glycemic disorders. Thanks to its polysaccharides, it improves glucose metabolism, increases insulin secretion and balances excessively high blood sugar levels. Thus, it supports the fight against insulin resistance, pre-diabetic conditions and diabetes. Moreover, reishi mushrooms, by stabilizing glucose levels, help us regain control over our diet, prevent hunger attacks, reduce appetite, especially for carbohydrates, thus counteracting weight gain.

Read more: How to lower sugar?

Reishi a guardian of peace of mind and mental well-being

As an adaptogenic mushroom, reishi helps restore homeostasis in the body by stabilizing disrupted processes, regulating organ function and improving the body’s ability to adapt to prevailing conditions. One of the most important tasks reishi performs as an adaptogen is to support the nervous system, reducing stress and tension, soothing the nerves, calming bad emotions and restoring internal balance. In addition, yellowwort reduces depressive states, anxiety and panic attacks. It also reduces sleep disorders, helps to enter a relaxed state, facilitates falling asleep and improves the quality of sleep.

Reishi supports the brain

reishi mushrooms are also known as a natural nootropic agent. By improving blood flow through the brain and regulating the release of neurotransmitters, they help improve cognitive function, with improved memory and concentration at the forefront. To a certain extent, reishi mushrooms will also help us increase our intellectual productivity and protect us from mental fatigue in moments of intense mental effort, although a better solution would certainly be ready-made, multi-ingredient nootropic supplements, specially composed to improve brain function and increase its potential.

Check out the best brain booster on the market: Brain Actives

Brain Actives

reishi mushrooms for vitality, youth and longevity

reishi mushrooms are called the mushrooms of youth, because they actually help to prolong it. They strengthen and nourish the entire body, add vigor, stimulate regeneration processes, increase vitality, and cause cells and organs to age more slowly.

Other valuable properties of reishi mushrooms:

  • protect the liver and support its work,
  • they stimulate the body’s elimination of toxins,
  • have a beneficial effect on the stomach and digestive processes,
  • support the pancreas,
  • have a positive effect on the skin, inhibit the aging process,
  • increase the feeling of satiety, help in the process of reducing excess weight.

Are you struggling with excess weight? Check out the slimming chocolate drink with reishi: Chocolate Slim

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Category: Health

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