Nothing works to the advantage of a person exercising like a good pre-workout. This is especially true if you want to get through intensive strength training with full concentration and no drop in energy. Titan’s Rage is one of the newest pre-training products – it contains a very interesting formula which works to the benefit of our muscles not only during training, but also afterwards.
Titan’s Rage is one of the most interesting pre-training supplements that have recently appeared on the market. As well as popular stimulants (such as caffeine), it also contains “green fuel” for your muscles in the form of plant extracts rich in amino acids, bio-elements and vitamins. Thecombination ofcaffeine,taurine,extractofgreenbarleyandchlorella,givesaneffective,perfectlyabsorbedbytheorganismmixture,whichfulfilsalltaskswhichshouldbefulfilledbya good, effectivepre-trainer.Thesetasksare:
adding energy and strength needed to perform a hard workout;
increase muscle endurance threshold;
Improving muscle work, stimulating their growth;
Increased concentration and motivation to exercise;
supplying the body with a set of minerals and vitamins necessary during increased exercise;
eliminating the risk of overtraining;
Increasing the rate of regeneration of the body after exercise.
Caffeine – the most popular and at the same time very effective ingredient of diet supplements supporting muscle building and modelling. Thanks to caffeine you can count on an energy and strength kick. You’ll increase your resistance to heavy loads, and you’ll be able to perform difficult, advanced training. Caffeine will increase the level of your concentration on exercise, which will contribute to better performance. Thanks to caffeine you’ll get rid of signs of fatigue, your body will be prepared to undertake strength tasks, and it will regenerate quickly after training.
Taurine – A biogenic amino acid which plays an important role in the process of muscle mass growth. It adds energy and strength, and participates in the transport of creatine to muscles. It promotes anabolism, stimulates the process of muscle regeneration after exercise, and minimises the risk of muscles entering a state of catabolism (breakdown). With taurine your training efforts will not be in vain, and the process of building muscles will run more efficiently and faster.
Chlorella – Taurine is a perfectly absorbable treasury of amino acids, minerals and vitamins, i.e. indispensable ingredients for people training for strength. No vitamin and mineral mix can give you the effects which marine algae, including chlorella, can give. It is rich in amino acids BCAA, which are essential during exercise, as well as potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, B vitamins and vitamins A, C and E. It also contains carbohydrates essential during training. Chlorella will give you energy, improve your mood, support the work of your muscles, increase your body’s efficiency and speed up regeneration.
Greenbarley – Another ‘green’ ingredient in Titan’s Rage which, like chlorella, adds energy, vitality and strength and is rich in a host of highly absorbable nutrients including proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Young green barley has another important feature for people in training – it helps maintain the right acid-base balance in the body. Acidification of the body is a common phenomenon in people exposed to a heavy physical effort. Unfortunately it translates into impaired muscle performance and exhaustion. The green barley contained in Titan’s Rage deacidifies the body and thus has a positive effect on muscle performance and the functioning of the whole body.
Titan’s Rage – effects
The ingredients of Titan’s Rage defend themselves. A dose of caffeine, taurine, chlorella and green barley can powerfully spur you into action, release your potential and stimulate muscle building.
A bigboost ofenergyandstrength,betterworkmusclesandfastertheirgrowth,quick regeneration of the bodyaftertraining,eliminationoffatigue,increaseconcentrationandmotivationtofulfiltrainingplans – these areeffects,onwhichyou can[email protected] Note: As every body is different, you need to adjust the dosage of the product individually.
In order to maximise the effects of Titan’s Rage, it’s best to use it simultaneously with a muscle mass gain activator from the same series – Titanodrol. Both products will complement each other and enhance their effects.
Titan’s Rage – opinions
Titan’s Rage It is based on a unique formula which combines stimulants with natural “green fuel” for the muscles and which many people have come to like. According to numerous reviews, Titan’s Rage fulfils its pre-workout tasks 100%. It allows you to easily complete the number of series and repetitions of exercise, ensures that you don’t get tired and that you recover quickly; it also accelerates muscle growth and improves the condition of your body, without any side effects.
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